Reunited Part One

I wanted to run to him so badly. “I’m going to head to my room,” Cade said. “I’ll see you in the morning okay?”

I nodded and walked in the direction of Lexus’ room. From a distance I saw the door open, and he was there. He looked at me and I held back the urge to run. When I got to his door he pulled me in. He closed and locked the door. “Lex-“ He kissed me before I could get a word out. I pushed away from him. “I didn’t come for that.” I wish I had but I was still upset with him. “You ditched me, you didn’t speak to me for a month, and I went through hell here.”

Lexus stared down at me. “I know. I heard it from your mom and the old human woman you stayed with. Do you know how hard it was for me to leave the castle without taking you with me?” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I’m not going to let anyone separate us. We’re back to our last plan. We won’t get married, but we’ll still be together, just in secret. Everyone else will just think you’re my adviser.”