Breaking Out Part One

We were trapped in what seemed like an old dungeon that wasn’t in use anymore. “Why did you guys execute the plan without me?” I asked.

“I didn’t know if we could trust you.” Calvin said. “You left with Cade and I didn’t believe you weren’t going to take one of their offers. After what you did to Sadia you don’t have the best track record. Plus, Lexus is your mate, so I didn’t think you’d pass up the opportunity to peacefully be with him here in this castle. We couldn’t take the risk.” I’d be lying if I said I didn’t understand.

Ruben crossed his arms. “Of all the people I could have been stuck here in this dungeon with, Lexus had to be one of them.”

Lexus leaned against the wall. “I’m not happy about being stuck here with you either.”

Calvin sighed. “You two are insufferable together. Just admit that you want to be friends again so me and Aqua don’t have to suffer you.”