Who He is Part One

Konn’s POV

Once I let Aqua and the others leave with the five gemstones I had explaining to do to the king and queen. “I don’t get it Konn, what happened?” The king asked me.

I explained everything to them about Aqua’s holder dream and the truth about what Diana intended for holders. “So, you let Aqua leave with the stones?” The Queen asked. “We can’t just forgive that. This offense could lead to your arrest for treachery.”

Did they hear anything I had said? “Did you know?”

“No Konn but no other holders have made these claims before. We’re doing great things for the kingdom. How could the holder do more anywhere else?” King Peter might have not been my best friend anymore, but he once was. I know when he’s not telling the whole truth.

“Did you know?” I asked again.

Peter sighed. “Yes. When I became King, my father explained it to me. It’s altered history that werewolves teach.”