Mark Me Part One

Aqua’s POV

We traveled for a week before we ended up in the village Lexus stayed at while he was away before. We walked into the inn and Lexus walked to the front desk. “You’re back.” The man who might have been the owner said. “We didn’t think we’d see you back. You won’t have to worry about journalists or anyone bothering you while you’re here this time. Our village’s mage is back and will take care of keeping them out.”

Lexus was handed the key. “That’s good to know but we won’t be here for long.” We were planning to stay here longer than the other places but not too long.

The owner nodded. “Well, I hope you both enjoy your stay.”

I followed Lexus to the room. He unlocked the door and we walked in. “Was this the room you were staying in?” I looked around, and it was small but nice.

Lexus put our bags in the small closet and took off his shirt. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d be back.” He tossed his shirt. “I think you’ll really like it here.”