A Long Dinner Part Two

When we walked back into the restaurant we led our grandfather to the table with my parents. Dad laughed. “Mae.”

Mom laughed. “Konain stop.”

They both stopped messing around and looked at us. “It’s good to see you Father, this is Mae and Mae this is my father,” He reintroduced them.

We all sat down. “It’s nice to finally meet you Mae again.” Grandfather picked up the menu.

“I have news.” Cade announced. “Sadia, my girlfriend is pregnant.”

Dad dropped his menu. “What?”

“That’s good isn’t it?” Mom asked.

Dad shrugged, “You started seeing Sadia not that long after her last relationship. Is the-“

“Yes it’s mine.” Cade answered the question before Dad finished asking it. “The timing makes it clear it’s mine.” When Sadia found out she told me right away so I could tell Lexus. We were all really relieved. “I’ve already joined the pack.” He showed the pack mark on his shoulder. Grandfather didn’t react or say anything.