I wake up from a deep sleep, I sit on my bed to think about the speech that I will give today when I am named the leader of my people, I get out of bed and then stretch my body, I see through the window all the preparations ready for my celebration.
So I wash my face and then dress in the Viking costume.
When I was about to leave, my best friend Engla appears and I will have to marry.
-Ready? -. I wonder very happy.
-No ... I don't think I can replace my father-. I say turning my back on him.
-You are going to make an excellent leader ... and an excellent ... husband-. I turn to see her, her white skin with a little scars is what I like the most about her but it is like seeing my sister ... I could not do it even though she is one of the most coveted warrior girls because her appearance of innocent girl but a great weapon upgrader is what most catches the attention of my peers.
-Husband ... of whom? -. I say avoiding talking about our arranged marriage.
-Very funny-. He takes my hand to get me out of my little house. They all greet me with a smile and I greet them in the same way.
One of my friends stops me to take me to the other warriors of my town.
-Engla, just let me talk to him-. She nods a little annoyed.
-You made her mad you know? -. I say with a touch of grace.
-Shut up, she'll be your wife ... and not mine-. Says with the touch of grace that I'm driving.
-What do you want Elinar?-. I say putting seriousness to the matter.
-Nothing, I just want to say goodbye to my best friend-.
-But ... I'll just be a leader, it's not that bad-.
-I think it's so bad, you won't have time for anything-.
-But you will be the leader of the army, so we will be living together for long periods of time-. He smiles for a moment until he sees his mother.
-Or hell, I have to go-. He tells me running to the opposite side.
-Einar, don't run! -. Einar's mother Dahila says that she is even like my mother because when my father died she was the only one who took care of me, with my mother it is not very different from my father's fate, only my father had to watch her die for the English in the year 1088 of a blow to the head, that was what my father told with tears in his eyes.
-Aren, what are you doing here? You should be with Engla-. She tells me worried.
-Yes, uh ... I was going there just that ...-.
-Einar again ... speaking of the subject, did you see where he went? -. She asks me a little annoyed.
-Yes, he went to the kennel-. I say with a bit of evil.
-Thank you and congratulations for your commitment-. He runs to the direction of the kennel.
<< Did he say commitment? I have not committed to anyone yet >>
-Not mom! -. I hear Einar say, I laugh in my mind, until I see my father Daven's right hand man.
-Young Aren, let me guide you to your new throne-. He tells me politely.
-Thank you-. I clear my throat a bit from discomfort.
-What lands are you going to conquer? Now what is the leader of this clan going to do of course-. We walk around the town while the sound of the waves hit the stones.
-England, I want to murder whoever killed my mother-. I say decided.
- Sure? They have said that this place is in its last breaths, they no longer have anything and that in fact by the year 1100 it will be missing -. He says worried.
-Don't you think it's better? We stole the only thing they have to make them understand that this clan has not died and that no one is saved from our armies-. Daven smiles with pride.
-He speaks like his father did, I think Gerd has raised him well, with the principles of a true Viking, I congratulate him. Up to that point we had already reached my new throne, with everyone gathered.
-Traitor-. Einar whispers to me, I laugh when I see the way they punished him, I climb the stairs that connect to my new present.
-We are gathered to see our new leader, son of Gerd the best leader that this clan has ever had and Astrid the best warrior and companion of this town (says Daven raising the Viking ax that only the leader can use) Let Odin ask Aren Lead this clan with Courage, Wisdom, Honesty and Kindness-. He hands me my father's ax, I raise the ax proudly, everyone hits each other's chest accompanied with a "long live Aren leader of the Ironside clan"
After that celebration the night came, I admired the landscape, the sea and I remembered the words of my father "Be a good leader, do not let your people fall" now I understand that he knew what was going to happen to him only that he did not He thought very well since I waited several nights for his return accompanied by Einar and Engla.
-Long life for you dear father, Long life for you dear mother-. I say sad, missing them, wanting to hug them once more.
-Aren, we're ready-. Dahila says with a big smile.
-So that? -. I say confused.
-For your engagement party-. He says even more cheerful.
-I ... don't want to marry her, not now, not ever-. I say a little angry.
-Why? She is perfect for you-.
-No, it's not ... I don't ...-. It interrupts me.
-She loves you, what more can you ask for? -.
-I don't love her, I don't want to hurt her and force her to spend with someone who doesn't love her-. I say heading home.
-Aren! -. I hear what Engla says, however I do not stop, on the contrary; I start to walk faster but she catches up with me apparently with the whole town. -What's wrong? It's our engagement party-. She says angrily.
-Yes, I just ... want something more personal-. I say whispering in her ear.
-But that's not the tradition, it must be great-.
-It is not mine-. I say making a face.
-Okay, take the ring (hands me a platinum ring) now do your thing-. He says smiling again.
-Do it Aren! -. Shout out a battle buddy.
-Do it-. Engla says.
Everyone starts to pressure me, yell at me and I couldn't take it anymore.
-No! -. I scream, everyone is silent. -I don't want to marry you Engla, understand that I only love you as if you were from my own family-.
Everyone starts to withdraw except Engla who sees me with an expression of hatred.
-Engla, let's go to the sea, okay? -. He just lowered his head and obeyed me, he took her by the waist ...
-Why did you bring me here? -.
-To ... (throw a stone into the sea) talk about our friendship-. I say quiet.
-You do not want to be my friend-. He says sitting on the sand.
-No, it's just that, I don't want to make you suffer, I've heard that you're in love with another young man-. I say sitting next to her.
-You know nothing-. He says turning his face away.
-If I know, do you know why? -.
-Because you're a busybody-.
-No, because you are my best friend and I know you very well, go with him, I assure you that he loves you too-. I say in an understanding way.
-But that's not the right thing to do-. She says worried.
-If it is correct, in love it is not commanded, less me and much less Odin, Engla you are not disloyal, look for your love that I am not. I see the beautiful moon, I turn to see Engla, her pupils are dilated, the moonlight makes her eyes look green.
-Thanks Aren-. He says hugging me.
-You're welcome Engla, I love you very much-. I say giving him a kiss on the forehead.
-I love you too-.
We talked for a long time about anecdotes from our childhood, we laughed ourselves tired and fell asleep on the beautiful beach …