-Captain, we will be in Portus Cale maximum until tomorrow, there are several burghers who would give enough gold coins for that girl-. Daven says with great ambition.
-I don't ... want (I try to explain what I want to do with her) I want to talk ...-. A heartrending scream interrupts my conversation with Daven.
I run to the slaves' dungeon and see how they hurt the girl with the two-colored eyes, that metal is already so deep in her leg that if they take it out, she can die.
-What's going on here?!-. I say furiously, grabbing the arm of one of the attacking prisoners and throwing her to the other side of the dungeon. -What the hell is wrong with them?! -. I look that woman in the eye, she seeks my help, she wants to be taken out of there.
I look around, all the prisoners look at me with terror except one ...
-You, what is your name? -. I ask angrily.
-Isabel ... Isabel Dowkins-. She tells me nervous.
I lean down to her level, take her by the shoulders.
-Why can't they behave? Since the night they have all been fighting against her-. I look at the wounded woman ... but with her eyes closed, I let go of Isabel and shout. -Einar, Daven! -.
They come running to the cell and see all the damage they have caused.
-What do we do? -. Einar says in a panic.
-Take her to my room and ... we'll see what to do-. I say in the same tone as Einar.
-But that's not fair! -. The other prisoner says she had the metal.
-Excuses? I don't think I asked for your opinion ... I'm going to sell them anyway. I walk a few steps and then close the cell.
We went upstairs and cut her out on my bed.
-So, what can we do now? -. Einar asks.
-Daven, you know better, save her-. I beg Daven, he looks at me with a confused face and thinks for a good moment ...
-Ok ... Okay, I want you to get out of here-. He pushes us outside and closes the door.
I don't want him to die ... and not only because if he dies we will lose money, he attracts me ... in a way, he attracts me a lot ...
Last night when I heard her speak and with a single word I loved her voice ...
-Aren! -. Einar exclaims.
-Yes? -. I say coming out of my thoughts.
-You like it, right? -.
-No, why do you say it? -.
-I have many reasons, including your tone of voice ... you literally begged Daven to save her-.
-You are insane Einar ... don't stipulate anything-.
-Be careful that you get angry-. He laughs contagiously.
-I'm hungry-. I say changing the subject, I lean on the door of my room but Daven opens the door and I fall to the floor.
-Do you see that it makes you stupid? -. Einar laughs even louder.
-Well, let's hope he wakes up ... but Aren, remember that there are rules in our clan and those rules must be respected especially with cultures-. He leaves my room a little angry
-Well, I have to go see ... the prisoners-. He walks away from my room.
I get up on the floor, close the door and see my poor maid ... almost at the edge of the night, with her injured leg with cloth to cover the wounds.
I reach out and touch his cheek, his skin is even softer than I remembered and I am worried that he will die.
I would like to know your name ...
After 3 long days we arrived in Portus Cole, we had several problems with the sea so we took too long ... and she has not woken up yet.
-Wake up, please...-. I sit on the bed, take her hand gently and kiss her hand.
-We got to Portus Cale! -. Yells one of the soldiers.
I get out of bed and see my maid for the last time ...
-What do I do here? -. Confused question.
I come back and kneel down and to take his hand again.
-You are well? -. I ask awkwardly.
She smiles at me wryly and ...