The next morning...
The morning sun makes him wake up from the dream, a beautiful dream since he was with the woman he loved. I turn my head to see if what I dreamed was fantasy or was it reality.
-Astrid? -. I ask still with the weight of the dream.
-Good day, dear friend-. I look up and the figure of Astrid is in front of me with a wide smile, her hands on her waist and her eyes so decisive, all of her expresses courage, strength and tenderness at the same time.
-Good day-. She straightened me up to find my leather boots.
-Daven ...-. She surprisingly hugs me, hers always the scent of flowers from her reaches my nostrils delighting my whole being. - Thank you for always being with me. She walks away and continues with ... - Well, we already arrived in Gallia, we have work-. He opens the door and leaves me more loving her and her beauty.
A few hours later.
-Little Antoine you still have to learn many things, I will tell you a story about a very happy ogre who was voraciously hungry but was very happy and at all his banquets ...-. That boy was paying attention to him quite carefully and Astrid had a hunch that this boy would be a great writer or something.
-Mr. Rabelais, we have several exchanges for you and the great Gaul-. Informs Astrid interrupting the story.
-I'm interested in the exchange-. He says serious and intimidating. - Antoine Rabelais, go with your friends-. The boy nods and runs towards the children.
After talking about it a lot, Mr. Rabelais orders some people from his town to start the exchanges and that's how the "fair" begins.
-It would be 500 cents-. Astrid says for the merchandise. –Daven, things-. She orders me a little stressed to what I gladly obey. When he returned I find Astrid on the ground full of wheat flour and water from our spring, I run to help her.
I lean over and try to lift her.
-Astrid, what happened? -. I speak concerned, I tear a cloth from my clothes to wipe his face.
-It was an accident-. She says she trying to open her eyes. He turned me around and exclaimed ...
-Who was the cause of this ?!-. I ask angrily.
-And ... I know ... sir-. I look down and see a young man with curly light-colored hair, dirty from flour and in his case dust from the ground, I grab him by his shirt and lift him up high enough to scare him.
-How can you be so clumsy? -. I say furious.
-I apologize, I tripped over my own feet trying to ...-.
-Daven let it go, it wasn't his fault ... he bumped into me-. Astrid defends him as if she already knows him.
-He hurt you, look at your arm-. She and the young man look at him; he has a bloody laceration.
-Now he lets go of the young man, what he did is not so serious-. She orders downplaying the situation.
-Is it serious? -.
-That's an order! -. She dropped him to the ground to which the irritating young man complained. "You're an idiot." She insults me, leans in and talks to the little irritant. - Are you okay? (She offers him her hand) What is your name? -.
-Ge ... Gerd-. He says nervous.
-Astrid, the leader of this crew-. She speaks kindly. They both stare for a long time,
-It's time-. I say something jealous.
-Yes ... if it's about time-. He returns to see me. - Is it time for what? -.
-To go-. He took her by the arm and lifted her ...
-Gerd, nice to meet you-. The now named Gerd straightens up and just smiles, I watch Astrid blush.
-Yes, yes, bye-. The fact of the ship. The others raise anchor and we depart from Gaul.
-Isn't it magnificent? -.
-What? That idiot hurt? -. He asked, healing the wound on his arm.
-No, the am ... the ... the damping of the flour-. She expresses nervous.
-Ha ha, yeah, tell me you didn't like that weirdo-. I say disgusted.
-What? Of course not-. She talks avoiding looking into my eyes.
-Do you like me-. I affirm angrily.
-No-. Denies.
-We cannot fall in love with other people other than the clan or the Nordics-. I say harassing her.
-You already look like my father-. He speaks removing his arm from my lap.
-Don't compare me with him, I'm just telling you ...-. He won't let me finish.
-And I tell you that I already have enough capacity to decide who he fell in love with-. She crosses her arms.
-Did you fall in love with that human misfortune? -.
-No! -.
-You just said it, only the damn names were said and now, you don't even know who he really is-.
-Stop protecting me, you are not my father to tell me what is right and what is wrong, for something I am the leader of the clan! -.
-That's my duty, to protect you from any human shame, like the clumsy "Gerd"! (I say the name imitating the voice of that idiot) -.
-What is the damn need to continue by my side, to continue protecting me when I defend myself? The right hand should only help with the barter accounts! -.
-I protect you because I love you, you already know, if something were to happen to you, I would blame myself forever! How difficult can that be understood? -. She stays quiet with what I just said and she just limits herself to leaving the small room of the ship ...He leaves me alone with my thoughts and my fears ...-You're an asshole Daven." I tell myself sitting on the bed and bringing my hands to my forehead-.