Part Eight


-Aren!-. I hear Engla exclaim as he looks up at Prisoner's Hill. I'm getting closer and closer to the canteen.

-What happened?-. I ask with concern.

-She found out ... it's all Padfoot's fault-. She answers me angrily.

-The intruder?-.

-Yeah damn it, I hope I didn't ruin your night-. She goes back into the canteen.

-You know?!-.

-Yes, I hope you have a good time!-. She smiled genuinely at him, then turned my attention back to the hill.

I decide to walk in the direction of the prisoners cautiously so as not to alert Aren.

A week ago

The Intruder

... and there I was, helping to protect the town's fortress to avoid chaos, as Aren has heard about a neighboring emperor who seeks to challenge the clan.

-Do you believe this?-. Einar asks me once he has approached.

-Not the truth, it must be an exaggeration of Aren or something like that, the truth is that I want to go home-.

-Don't tell me, I need to sleep until the next century-. Look at the horizon.