The following days after the funerals, I did not have the courage to leave the house, the guilt continued to eat me, my conscience did not leave me alone, I could not see those poor orphaned children again and due to the deaths that I had to avoid ... .
I look out the window, hoping that this is all a dream and that the people who died are still alive, that Janne and I finally get along as I always wanted, but that is not going to be possible, the only thing that comforts me. is that they must already be in Valhalla or better yet, they must already be with Odin.
- Lena? -. Engla asks softly knocking on my door.
-I'm here-. I respond if I turn around to see.
-You must eat a little, if you continue like this you will die-.
-It's what I want the most now, my dear-. She started walking towards a tray with plates of food that had already become inedible.
-A… Aren doesn't like to see you like this… -.