Part Thirty-one


I ran until I couldn't take it anymore, I see that just in time I reach the town while several boats flood the area, out of desperation I didn't even see who I took by the arm to tell him the words that Aren told me and about my theory.

-Lena… What happened to her? -. Hobro asks in surprise.

-I ... no ... nothing, you need to listen to me-. I respond by avoiding answering about my appearance.

- About what Lena? -. Harold asks intrigued and holding my hand to help me sit up and drink some water.

-It's about Aren… -.

-Yes, we already know that it disappeared, anything else you want to add? -. Everyone in the town begins to approach.

-She said something about revenge for ...-.

-We found the remains of Aren, Lena ... -. Canute interrupts me.

-Aren, Daven and Einar died-. Hobro concludes.

-No, no ... that can't be, a few days ago they disappeared and ... it can't be so rap ... -.