Chapter 10: Alice’s POV

I was disappointed that Blair had to leave so early to see Callie, especially considering that she was going to tell her about what happened. From the moment she had mentioned it my anxiety about the situation had spiked to an all time high, then again maybe it was just the OG kush in my system. I had enjoyed talking to her, it was much different than our usual banter and I felt like in some ways she was opening up to me more than she ever had. The time was now ten and I was just about to call it a night when I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it revealing a rather distraught looking Blair and couldn't help but smile despite her cute pout.

"I'm sorry for coming over so late." She mumbled out locking her eyes to the ground

My smile disappeared realizing she was actually upset and was replaced with what I hoped to be a concerned look "Don't be Blair, is everything okay?"

She rolled her eyes and snorted slightly still not making eye contact with me "Yeah why wouldn't it be."

"Well at least come inside, no sense in standing in the doorway." I replied opening the door further to invite her in

She smiled softly and came inside "Thank you."

Her voice was soft, defeated even, and it broke my heart to see her so upset.

"Would you like some coffee?" I asked hoping to distract her worried mind

She smirked and looked up at me, her eyes a cold gray "Yeah, sure, thank you."

"Did something happen with Callie?" I asked both curious and anxious for her answer as she sat at the island

She rolled her eyes "No Ms. Winters, don't worry your secret is safe."

The venom in her voice caught me off guard but I tried to regain my composure "I wasn't trying to accuse Blair."

"Mhm sure." She mumbled out

I shook my head and made us some coffee, the room filled with an awkward silence until I set the cup in front her with a clang.

"Thank you." She grumbled using the spoon to stir in the cream and sugar I had already added for her

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter sipping my coffee "Are you really not going to tell me what's bothering you?"

"Nope." She stated taking another sip of her coffee "I was hoping we could do something that involves less talking."

The smirk on her lips and her eyes' vibrancy as she looked at me made it clear she wasn't joking in the slightest.

"Ah, do you think you can just use me as some fuck toy when you're upset? That's nice Blair, really nice." I muttered breaking from her gaze

She groaned loudly before speaking "Look I'm sorry, I'm just in a shit mood."

"I can tell." I grumbled back

She strummed her fingers on the countertop nervously "I got in a fight with Scott and Sarah."

"Your parents?" I questioned

"Adopted parents." She corrected her eyes going dark

I spoke softly, taking a few steps back closer to the island and leaning on it "What was the fight about?"

"Me being a bitch." She grumbled once again doing her signature eye roll

"What a surprise!" I joked

She glared at me "Not funny, they were mad because they caught me smoking in my car so they tried to ground me which of course is not happening. They said that I couldn't keep disrespecting them so I said I was leaving, and now I'm here."

"You need to go talk to them." I said pleading with her through my eyes

She laughed softly "That's not happening, I'm not going back there."

"You'll have to eventually." I replied shrugging

She seemed cold now as she spoke "I'm not a child Alice, I've got my own money and I'm getting an apartment as soon as possible."

"They can't be that bad." I stated taking a sip of my coffee

She seemed to be holding back, struggling internally about something as silence filled the room.

"Can I stay here tonight?" She asked looking up at me with innocence in her eyes

"Yes you can." I replied unable to tell her no

A bright smile filled her face for the first time tonight and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, I can sleep on the couch if you like." She said stirring her coffee calmly

I was surprised she had offered and part of me really wanted to invite her to my room.

"You don't have to." I blurted out nervously

Her eyes flickered up to mine with a devious look behind them "Oh really? And where would you like me to sleep then?"

"With me." I stuttered out causing her to giggle

She smirked and finished her coffee before placing the mug in the sink "Lead the way then Ms. Winters."

I quickly finished most of my drink before adding my cup to the pile of dishes "You should know where it is Blair, it's not like you haven't been in my room before."

Her cheeks flushed at the memory but she didn't comment on it as we walked into my room. Luckily I had hidden my sex toys and had been doing so carefully since the last incident with Blair.

"Could I borrow some clothes?" She asked in a soft sweet voice

"Yeah." I mumbled as I pulled out a tee shirt and sweats for her

"Thank you." She smiled taking them from me

She smirked at me as she pulled her shirt off revealing her blue sports bra that now had my full attention. She pulled her skinny jeans down and smirked knowingly at me before putting on the clothes I had given her with a satisfied look on her face. I rolled my eyes and got into bed where she quickly joined me under the white bedspread without a word.

"Horny?" She asked looking over at me grinning

I shook my head and laughed "It's a school night Miss Collins, you need your sleep."

"That's no fun." She whined with a pout on her lips

I smiled at her and pulled her in for a short sweet kiss before whispering "Don't complain when I'm letting you sleep in my bed."

She giggled and tangled her legs into mine cuddling me "Okay, fine I guess I'll just have come over earlier next time to make you cum."

"Goodnight Blair." I whispered ignoring her comment

"Goodnight Alice." She whispered placing a kiss on my cheek before snuggling into me