Thunder. Part three.

Thousands of birds noiselessly slid through the air. Up in the pale sky, always white like a snow sky, a flock of birds were the only witnesses of the life below.

Black wings with red lines harmoniously were flapping making the rhythm to the snowflakes around.

Flying above the forest, they gently touched the tops of the trees, just slightly as if frightening to disturb their peace, the flock of birds made a round around the forest.

And now, flying above the white field which is just in the middle of the forest, they slowed down and one by one sat to a branches.

Making a one, straight line, everyone was standing still. Heads lifted up slightly, eyes looking ahead, bodies tensed, and a complete silence. Only the footsteps of the Teacher were making a noise. Walking to and fro, his serious, tensed face was directed down. As if forgetting about everyone he was walking like this for several minutes.

Longwei standing next to Baofeng-Xue and Delun felt an itch on his foot. Holding himself and trying to breath he looked at the teacher and the moment when he walked away from him, he reached out his hand to his food and with a quick movement took off his shoe. Scratching his foot he sighed. Baofeng-Xue pushed him slightly and shook his head. Continuing to scratch, Longwei did not notice that the teacher was looking at him. Baofeng-Xue whispered, "Longwei, stop it."

"That is a good idea. Today, we will run barefoot. Take off your shoes." Saying this he looked at Longwei and turned back.

Baofeng-Xue stepped on Longwei's foot and with all his might pressed it.

"Brother Xue stop it!" Longwei shouted but someone closed his mouth from behind.

Delun lowered his head and whispered, "Don't say anything otherwise we won't be able to leave this place for the next three days."

Nervously pushing him, other soldiers angrily frowned and murmured, "Just wait and see, we won't leave you alone."

Longwei, "What did you say? Are you threatening me? Come back, you!"

Baofeng-Xue took his hand and squeezed it, "Longwei if you won't stop this behavior you will be punished. You don't know Lei. You don't know what kind of human he is. You made him angry in your first day, be calm now. Don't say anything, don't look at him."

"I didn't do anything wrong. What should I do if my foot was itching?! Or what, this teacher doesn't have a nerves and he never feels itchiness?!" Saying this loudly on purpose he looked at Lei who was already far away.

Baofeng-Xue closed his mouth with his hand, angrily he said, "Are you stupid? If you won't shut your mouth I won't be kind to you."

Longwei loudly sighed and nodded his head.

When they have reached a tiny forest, Lei stopped and said, "Today we will be running for three hours around this forest. If you'll stop you'll be punished. If you run away you'll be punished. Let's go now!"

Everyone turned right and without breaking the line they slowly began to run ahead. Following each other like an ants, they still wanted to push or beat Longwei.

Lei running behind of them said, "Don't disturb each other."

Longwei looked back, catching Lei's eyes on himself he quickly looked away and continued running.

"Brother Xue, will he punish me now? For scratching my foot and being loudly?"

Running in front of him, Baofeng-Xue replied, "You forgot to take a sword, you were acting as you wish, I don't think that today you will be able to avoid the punishment."

"What he will make me do? Run all night?"

"Keep running. Just keep running. Even if you are tired, don't break the line."

"Running for three hours, isn't it too much?!"

"Shut up and run."

Soon, after a few rounds around the forest, Longwei's feet became numb out of coldness. Unable to run anymore, he was hardly breathing. Because, it was already a very long time since he was engaging in physical activity. Being all alone in the wilderness, being busy with the planting vegetables, he did not have time for training. And now after so many years, his body was so weak that he was about to fall down at any moment.

A drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, but also the goosebumps out of cold wind were on his back. Hardly moving his legs forward, he crashed into Baofeng-Xue and loudly sighed.

"Brother Longwei what are you doing? Keep running."

Longwei out of tiredness said, "Brother Xue, help me. Help me."

Noticing Longwei's slow running Lei said from behind, "Don't slow down! Run."

Baofeng-Xue in spite of tiredness and numbness in feet kept running, turning his head back he said, "Hold on. If you stop now Lei won't have a mercy."

Without saying anything he just closed his eyes, feeling like the ground was disappearing from under his feet, before his eyes appeared his father. His kind, bright face which never was distorted by any other emotions except happiness. Seeing him so clearly Longwei whispered, "Father."

Feeling such a warmth, loving kindness which was coming from his father's heart, Longwei smiled and now gaining some kind of energy was able to inhale deeply.

Opening his eyes, he looked forward, the white snow all around was slowly sinking into the darkness. The night was coming. It meant that already an hour has passed. How many rounds did he already run?! How far away are his dreams from his now?!

"I didn't want to become the part of the clan." He thought, clutching his fists he collected all his might.

Running as usual, fast and energetically, he wiped off the sweat from his forehead. Feeling Lei's gaze on himself he did not dare to look at him.

The steam was coming out with every exhale.

Baofeng-Xue feeling tired, almost fell down but Longwei caught him. "Brother Xue, keep running."

"And you are strong as usual. You were always like this."

"Don't say anything, you're wasting your energy."

Running in front of them, Delun not showing any tiredness said, "Hold on guys. One more time and we'll finish."

Longwei kept thinking about his father, about how they were walking together, how they were fighting together, playing and chasing the birds. Thinking about his happy past, he was gaining more and more energy. The past was like a fuel with which he could live now, in the present.

The sky finally covered with darkness. But still the pale clouds could be seen. There were no stars, no Moon. Only the reminder of eternal winter, only the fact that here, there could be nothing but a blizzard.

When three hours had passed, Longwei leaned back to the tree and sighed with great relieve. Two soldiers approached him, rubbing their feet, trying to warm them up they angrily looked at Longwei but did not say anything.

Lei walking slowly, with his head up stopped in front of them, not looking at Longwei he said, "You shouldn't rest right after the running. It is harmful."

Saying this he slowly walked away.

Two soldiers who were sitting on the snow now suspiciously looked at each other and said, "What is it? Did he just tell us an advise? How is it possible? Is he capable of caring after his students?"

Longwei looked at Lei's tall figure, his movements and the fact that he was barefoot did not show even the slightest tiredness. There wasn't even the sweat on his face.

Sitting to the snow, he quietly asked, "You're saying that he never showed any signs of caring?"

The young man with very red face answered, "He never talked to us, except about the training and martial art."

"Yes. He is always silent and scary. But I am hearing the words of care for the first time from him."

The red faced man noticing that Longwei was sitting close to them, pushed him and angrily said, "It is your fault that we were running barefoot. Don't think that we'll leave it just like this."

Longwei did not say anything.

The next what was coming after the running was the fight. Namely a sword fight. Standing in the center of the white field which looked like a boxing ring, Lei took out his sword, a silver sword with the hilt in a shape of the wolf. Proudly looking at it he said, "Prepare your swords now. I'll call you name and one by one you'll show me your skills and strength. While others will be playing the role of the beasts."

Baofeng-Xue approached Longwei, worryingly he said, "You'll have problems now. Brother Longwei what should we do?! You don't have a sword."

Longwei ignoring his words asked, "Better tell me what's going to happen? We will fight with each other?"

"Yes. The Teacher will call us one by one and you'll be standing all alone in the field, other soldiers will begin to attack you. Like a real beasts. And you'll have to attack them back otherwise they'll hurt you. Here, on this field, everyone forgets about their friends, their gentle feelings, they just become your enemies. And no one's gonna stop until you defeat them or they defeat you."

Longwei feeling a bit worried said, "But isn't it too cruel?! I can't imagine that I will have to fight with you and fight for real."

"Yes. I can't imagine it too. But we have no choice. This is the real battle. In battle, you mustn't think about your friends or anyone else. All you have to think is you, yourself. But this is not the problem for now, what are you gonna do with the sword?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll just fight with these two hands. But I don't think that I'll defeat all of them. I didn't fight for so many years."

Baofeng-Xue wanted to say something but Lei interrupted him. Loudly, almost shouting he exclaimed, "Guangli! Prepare for the fight!"

Not so tall man with a very scared eyes stepped ahead, looking back at others, he hesitated for a moment and then went towards the center. Taking out his sword, his hands were shaking but he tried his best to look brave and cold.

Lei stepped away and everyone around took out their swords. Baofeng-Xue too, holding the swords said, "I should join everyone now. And you stand here. Try to hide somewhere. In this moments, Lei is too excited and all his attention is on the fight, so maybe he won't even notice you. Well, if you're lucky enough of course."

Gathering around Guangli, everyone was waiting for Lei's command. And after Lei raised his hand everyone began to attack.

First, Guangli was closing his face with hands and was just running away from every blow. But knowing Lei's character and the upcoming punishment for cowardice, he raised his sword and began to fight.

The swords were flying towards him without knowing any mercy. His friends, his roommates were acting like they were a real enemies, a real beasts.

Attaching him from all sides they, with cold expressions were using all their powers. Even Baofeng-Xue, in spite of his kind nature, was attacking him.

The sound of the swords, the drops of blood, the screams and furious looks, all these replaced a friendly relationship between all of them.

Longwei who was a little shocked by this play, said to himself, "Are they crazy? They are attacking like they are a real beasts."

Hearing his words, Lei looked at him. Longwei noticing him just looked down and felt a sudden horror in his heart.

Guangli, turning into a raged man was using his sword with a great effort. Standing in the middle of the field he was defending himself no matter what. Even if he already was injured.

After a few minutes or more, Guangli fell down with loud noise. With one hand he was covering the wound on his chest. It was like he was unable to stand up.

Lei raised his hand and everyone stopped.

Baofeng-Xue ran towards him, pressing the wound with his scarf he shouted, "He needs help!"

A few soldiers carried him away.

After a fight, Baofeng-Xue went up to Longwei, his right cheek had a few scars but he wasn't paying any attention to it. "Brother, are you alright?! Did he notice you here?!"

"I think yes."

"I told you to hide! Longwei! Now he will call your name and what then?! These guys will easily defeat you. Did you see them? Even I was so furious."

Longwei with a calm expression answered, "Yes I saw you. And you know what? You are crazy. How can you be so kind and then become so angry and scary?! Do you think it is normal?"

"This is a battlefield. Here, we forget about who we are. All we care about is our lives."

"But this is crazy. I am thankful that after a year I will leave this place."

"Don't be sure brother. You can't be sure about your tomorrow. This world isn't the place where you can be confidant. So keep your dreams silent or forget them."

Longwei loudly said, "No way!"

"Be quite." Closing his mouth, Baofeng-Xue whispered, "Longwei, you were always smart. What happened to you now? Or did you forget about where are you?!"

Longwei stepped away and without saying anything just sighed. The next moment he heard his name. Lei looking at him exclaimed, "Longwei!"