Freezing night. Warm thoughts. Part two.

When everyone left the field, Lei headed towards the forest. It was already a night. In such a darkness, nothing could be seen. Except the shiny silver sword of Lei.

Walking in a complete silence, Longwei looking at Lei's back did not say anything. Feeling tired and all his injuries were hurting badly, still he walked as nothing happened.

With the night, the wind became stronger and soon, the blizzard slowly filled the field and the further they walked, the harder it was to breathe.

Lei, taking out a scarf from his backpack covered his face. Looking back at Longwei he did not say anything.

Closing his face with hands, his whole body was shivering. Without his vest, in a cotton shirt, he was following Lei without making any sounds. Even though the wind was painfully piercing through his skin, making his injuries hurt even more.

When the field was left far behind, the dark forest with tall trees welcomed them with strange sounds of wild birds and other creatures who were unknown to anyone. These were some nocturnal creatures who lived only at night, and no one really saw them. But according to some legends, these were a real beasts who can cause many dangers. That is why no one ever dared to go to the forest.

But for Longwei, these creatures were nothing but just wild animals. Living all by himself, in the cave, in the middle of the wilderness, he met so many of these beasts that now nothing could scare him.

Indeed, these were just wild animals even though in appearance they were very different. Big claws, red eyes and black fur which was so sharp that it could pierce through the skin. But in general, these were just animals who looked like wolves.

Hearing strange and scary noises from all around Longwei did not even pay attention to it. All he cared was his hunger.

Lei looked back, seeing him in a perfect calmness he said, "You don't seem to be afraid. I guess walking in a place like this is a usual thing for you."

Longwei did not say anything. Feeling dizziness out of hunger he almost fell down but managed to stand up.

Without getting a reply, Lei said, "Are you tired? We can rest here."

Longwei leaned back to the tree and closed his eyes. "Even if I am exhausted, I am thankful that we are in the forest now. The blizzard here, is calm."

Taking out a small candle from his backpack, he lit it and the gentle light covered him. Covering the candle with the glass tube, Lei opened his face, strangely enough his expression was somehow happy and relaxed than before. Seeing this change for the first time, Longwei with a smirk on his face said, "You look so happy. I guess you are happy when you see someone in a such state as I am." Coughing, he almost fell down, the wound on his chest started to bleed again.

Lei approached him, putting his backpack aside, he took out another scarf and with a quick movement wrapped it around Longwei's chest. Strongly tying it, he said, "Press the snow to your chest, it will stop bleeding."

Breathing hardly because of the scarf, Longwei said, "I lived in the wilderness as long as I remember myself. Don't worry teacher Lei. I'll be fine. But if something happens, you will answer for this."

Looking at Lei's shiny eyes, Longwei tried to stand up but his legs were no longer able to stand.

Lei did not say anything, standing up, he just walked ahead. After a few seconds, Longwei managed to stand up and follow him.

Tall trees all around were silently looking at them. From time to time there was the whistle of the blizzard and the noises of wild animals.

After some moments of silence, Lei said, "Don't you want to know where are we going?"

"We are walking in the forest. Ahead is only the forest. There is no point of asking where are we going."

Laughing quietly Lei replied, "You are very extraordinary young man. All these years, I have seen so many soldiers, I have seen so many of them, but to be honest, you are the first who differ so much from everyone."

"Are you laughing at me?!"

"No. I just… Forget."

Longwei walking behind of him said, "Well, if you want me to ask you a question. Then I'll ask. When we will stop? Or are we going to walk like for a whole night?"

Looking at Lei's tall figure covered in a fur coat, he coughed and the sounds of his hungry stomach made a loud noise.

"We will stop soon and then you'll have a rest."

Longwei nodded his head. Hardly walking, his legs got tangled and he fell towards Lei.

"Longwei!" Catching him, Lei touched his forehead, it was burning. Lying unconscious, he murmured something but Lei did not understand his words. "Longwei! Longwei!" Shouting his name, Lei lifted him up and quickly went ahead. The candle fell to the snow and went out.

A bright and warm Sunrays filled everything around. Feeling such a gentle warmth for the first time, Longwei opened his eyes and saw someone's tall figure.

Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and now could see clearly.

"Father. Is that you?"

Without turning back to him, he said, "Longwei, how are you?"

His gentle voice made his heart ache and tears came to his eyes.

"Father, look at me. Father."

"Live your life with confidence. Live your life as you want. Longwei, I will always guide you no matter where you go."

"Father! Wait!"

Waking up in a sweat, Longwei shouted out loud, "Father!"

Lei who was sitting in front of him said, "You're finally awake."

Looking around, Longwei sat up. His body wasn't aching anymore, and the weakness in his legs finally had gone. Only the hunger was left in him.

Sitting in a small house made of stones, which looked more like a cave, Lei lit a fire and the smell of food filled the tiny empty room.

Longwei noticing food in an iron plate said, "Is it food?! Where did you get it?"

"You lost your consciousness. I carried you on my back."

Longwei's all attention was on the food. Hearing the noises from his stomach Lei said, "Eat this."

The smell of potato and beans made him feel dizziness. He took an iron spoon and quickly began to eat.

Lei was looking at him. "The blizzard became stronger. I don't think that we'll be able to go home tonight. Once we go out, the wind will threw us aside."

Without saying anything Longwei continued eating.

"How are your wounds?"

"They stopped bleeding." Almost choking, he coughed, "Is there anything to drink?"

Lei poured a hot water from his iron bottle, giving the cup to him he said, "Don't hurry. You have caused too many problems tonight. I don't want you to choke."

"I caused many problems? Maybe it was your decision to punish me? If I was in my bed, I wouldn't have caused you so many problems. By the way, what is my punishment?"

Finishing his late dinner, he drank all water and emptied the cup. Satisfyingly lying down, he sighed and felt a slight pain in his chest. Looking at his wounded palms which were already bandaged he exclaimed, "You did this!"

Lei taking off his fur coat said, "You have too much injuries."

"Of course I have them. Did you see these soldiers, they were like a real beasts! Are they crazy to act like this?!"

Lei continued, "You know, you surprised me. Without a sword, in your first day, I thought that you are gonna lose very fast. But I think you were more beast than any other soldier on the field."

Longwei laughed out loud but immediately stopped because still it was painful in the chest. "Teacher, I defeat all of them, but you made me go with you. Is this the punishment?"

"If you think so then yes."

Longwei looked at him, at his pale relaxed face, strangely enough his thick black eyebrows weren't tensed and his mouth even curved in a weak smile.

"Lei, can I call you like this?! You know what, everyone says that you are the best warrior. Everyone says that you are a real hero, that you were in the battlefield for many times and came back without a single injury."

Lei interrupted him, "Not true. Last time when I was there, my hands were injured."

"Yes. But now they look fine. You know, I know many warriors who went to the battlefield, but none of them had returned with just a wounds. I think that is why everyone admires you and respects you so much. But you know what, I thought that if you are the best warrior, you must be very scary and rude. But now, I see that you are very kind. Even gentle I may say." Noticing a seriousness on Lei's face he said, "I am sorry! I didn't mean it. Not gentle, but very kind."

Lei without saying anything lied down. Placing his hands behind of his head, he closed his eyes.

The whistle of the wind sounded like there were millions of wolves around. Thinking about wolves, Longwei said, "Your wolf pup, where did you find him? In my life, I have never seen a wolf so closely, and no one ever saw them. But how did you manage to find the little wolf?"

Looking at the stone ceiling, Lei replied, "I found him when I was in the battlefield."

"Was he alone?"

"Yes. I guess he was born and the nature decided that his fate will be in the battlefield."

"And you take him with you. You're very kind. Very kind indeed."

Looking at him through the flames of fire, Lei said, "This world needs more kindness."

"This world needs more kindness. My father used to say this to me when I was a child."

"Did you agree with him?"

"Yes. I think he was always right by saying this. This cold world needs more kindness and maybe then it will change."

Lei quickly stood up and madly looked somewhere.

"What? You scared me! What happened?"

Approaching him, Lei kneeled down and bent his head towards Longwei. Their faces were so close that Longwei felt awkward.

"What are you doing? Lei!"

Without listening to him, Lei got closer to him, his hot breath was reaching Longwei's face.

"You are scaring me. Lei?"

Suddenly closing his mouth with his hand, Lei whispered, "Be quiet. I think it is here."