Savior. Part four.

Stepping on the cold stone floor he tried to be calm. Feeling some kind of danger around him, he wanted to take out his sword, he as usual, he forgot it.

Silver who was walking happily next to him said, “Don’t be so serious. Relax. My father won’t kill you. On the contrary he respects you. So don’t worry.”

When they reached the stairs Draken saw someone in the far corner. It was Sirius. His tall and muscular body was covered with a long coat even though it was relatively warm inside of the house.

As they got nearer, Draken’s eyes met with Sirius’ pale eyes. It was like all the life in him turned into an ice.

Then, he politely said, “I am happy to see you here.”

“Master Sirius, I am happy too. And I am thanking you for your invitation and allowing me to be your guest,” Draken said still trying to look calm.