"What do you mean?! Lei! Where are we going?"
Longwei's loud shout almost shook the snow on the branches.
"We are going to the Burned forest." Lei answered.
Hearing this Longwei left speechless.
Since the very childhood he was hearing many legends and stories about this place which is called "The burned forest."
Localizing right between two mountains, next to the frozen lake, this forest was the only place where dragons lived. And according to legends, this was truly horrifying place where every single tree was burned and where, one could hear the voices of ones, who had died under the raged flames of winged creatures.
When Longwei wanted to ask something again Lei stopped him by simply casting an angry look at him.
Following him through the dense forest, he sank into the distant memories from his childhood.
Remembering his father, his voice, his kind look, he felt himself child again.