"Longwei, I know what happened. My brother, I saw him a few days ago. Yes, he's fine. You don't have to worry about him. He is the same strong and powerful Lei."
Listening to Dewei's quiet voice, Longwei lay silently in bed.
"I came here as soon as I heard that you have returned to the clan again. I have little time, I have to go, so if you have something to say or have any questions, then speak now."
Turning towards him, Longwei asked, "Lei, will he never come back now, will he?"
"Whatever Xing Fu says, he still respects Lei, so I don't think he wants Lei to die on the battlefield."
"So he won't come back." muttered Longwei.
"Well, I'll go. Take care Longwei."
"Wait." Getting out of bed, Longwei opened his backpack and took out a letter. "When you see Lei, could you give it to him?"
After a moment of thinking Dewei looked at him questioningly and then nodded his head and said, "Of course."