The Festival of Goldfish. Part one.

Walking freely around the palace, Yun Qi still couldn't get used to her clothes. Dressed in a long green dress, her slender but strong arms were gently wrapped in an almost imperceptible fabric and every corner of her skin peeped out from under the delicately sewn patterns.

Endlessly straightening her hair and trying to relieve the slight pain that her new hairstyle caused, Yun Qi stopped by the pond and looked at her reflection.

"Is this called beautiful?" she asked, loosening her hair and pinning it up with her usual hairpin. "That's better."

Continuing to explore the kingdom, she walked through the fragrant garden, turned behind the fountain and stumbled upon a small building with high windows, she looked inside and saw a woman there with a thick volume of a book. At the sight of the book, she jumped abruptly and climbed onto the window frame.

The woman, noticing her, was a little frightened, but showing respect for the unknown guest she asked, "Who are you?"

"Yun Qi."