Desire to live. Part four.

"Again I am weak. Or am I already dead?" Longwei asked himself, trying to open his heavy eyelids. With awakening, feeling bitterness in his mouth and intense thirst, he coughed heavily, and at that moment when on his hand he felt a blood clot that had just come out of his throat, he realized that he was still alive. Alive and greatly weakened.

Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, he barely opened his eyes and, already preparing himself for the dazzling rays of the sun, closed his eyes, but as it turned out, he was in complete darkness.

Standing up he touched his body in case he had wounds, but all he felt were cuts all over his chest.

Realizing that he was wearing only pants and nothing else, he tried to remember what happened to him and how he got here. Recalling passages from days gone by, he writhed with pain in his heart.

"Finally you woke up." there was a voice that echoed painfully in his head.

"Who is there?"