New Family

Adler and Agnes were back on the road. After talking to his sister, Adler felt some weight get lifted from his shoulders that he didn't even know was there. Although his eyes were still red from crying in front of his sister's grave, there was now a small smile on his face. A sad smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"Where are we going now?" he asked

"Home," Agnes replied.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a small house. Adler got off and looked around. The mansion was two stories tall and colored in red and green. The red reminded him of Agnes's hair color, which was probably why it was painted this way.

As for green, the only guess he could make was the green light that usually shinned when a relatively high level of healing magic was used. It was probably her way to remember her mother.

After Agnes put her car in the garage at the side of the house, she came to the front of the house and put her palm alongside one of the walls on the house.

The wall started glowing red and quickly switched to green. She then did something to the wall and called Adler. "Uncle, put your palm on the wall."

"Is this a security thing?" Adler asked. It had to be. 'Looks like people don't use mechanical locks anymore.' He thought to himself. He put his palm on the wall and it quickly scanned his hand and turned green.

"Yes. You are now authorized to open the front door. You can use most of the rooms in the house, except the personal ones." She replied.

She moved towards the door, which opened on its own. She took off her shoes and walked inside. Adler also took off his newly bought shoes and followed her. He looked around the interior of the house. Unlike the extravagant red and green on the outside, the inside was mostly white, with some gray tones on the side of the walls.

Agnes stopped near a set of stairs and screamed, "Kids. Come down.". She waited a while, but still, no one came down. "Argh, those kids. They must be in the game again. Wait a minute uncle, I will go bring them down," Agnes said as she went up the stairs.

Adler didn't know what to do. He looked around for someplace to sit, but he couldn't find a single sofa or chair. There was probably the same technology as the one in the president's office installed here.

He would have to ask Agnes to teach him how to work those. There were a lot of things he would have to be taught.

After a while, he started hearing footsteps. Three distinct ones in fact. Agnes came down and behind her were two young kids. One was a girl that looked the same as Agnes. She had long fiery red hair. She was similarly tall and beautiful.

He could sense mana radiating from her, meaning she was an awakened person as well.

Behind her was a young teenage boy. The boy for some reason didn't have the same distinct red hair like his mother and sister. Instead, he had black shiny hair just like Adler himself.

Both the kid's hairs were disheveled and he could tell they didn't bother combing it before coming down. Their eyes barely opened and they had trouble focusing. If he didn't know any better he would say they were sleeping.

"This is my uncle. Adler Lee. Your nana's older brother, Your granduncle." Agnes said introducing Adler to her kids.

Hearing such a bizarre thing, both the kids lost any sense of sleepiness they previously had. They had a look of shock and doubt in their eyes.

"Are you pulling our legs, mom? He looks like he is barely any older than us, how can he be nana's older brother?" the girl questioned her mother. The boy also turned towards his mom expecting an answer.

"Yes, I'm not lying. This isn't a prank. He is your granduncle. He was stuck in a dungeon for a hundred years and just got out today. Remember what nana said about her brother being in a dungeon, that's him." Agnes spoke. "Now, go introduce yourselves to your granduncle."

"Hi granduncle, I'm Mikaela. You can call be Micky." Mikaela introduced herself, " Also, how are you so young, are you really over 100 years old?"

"Yes, I am. I didn't age in the dungeon." Adler replied.

"Wow. So you really are a grandpa in a young man's body. But still, Calling you a 'granduncle' feels wrong. Can I just call you uncle? you won't mind, right?" Mikaela said.

"Micky!!" Agnes said in an annoyed voice.

"No. It's alright. Please just call me uncle, I wouldn't want someone to call me granduncle either." Adler replied.

"See mom, he knows. You don't have to scold me for no reason."

The young boy stepped in front and spoke in a low voice. "Hello uncle, I'm Michael. I'm 16 years old. It's good to meet you." You could tell that the boy didn't speak a lot. He was the shy type. Adler looked at him and smiled. He used the be the same type before his parents died and he had to step into the world to earn some money.

Hearing her brother speak, Micky looked at Adler and said, "Don't expect me to tell you my age. A maiden doesn't reveal her age." She said in a mischievous manner.

Agnes looked at her and said, "Stop acting like you are old when your 20th birthday is just coming up in 2 months."

"MOM!!" Mikaela said in an exasperated voice.

Agnes ignored her and looked towards Adler. "Come uncle, you must be hungry. I will cook something good for dinner. In the meanwhile, eat some fruits." She said as she called a droid to bring her some fruits.

"Cook something yourself, mom? What's the occasion?" Micky asked as she looked towards Adler and said, "She has a cooking skill, but she rarely cooks herself. We always have to eat foods cooked by droids."

Agnes turned to her daughter and said, "What do you mean 'what's the occasion? Obviously, it's because my uncle came back to us alive." Agnes acted as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Oh right. Hehe," Mikaela got embarrassed a little. "Anyway mom, cook something really good. I will come down around dinner time, right now I need to go join my guild members for the Dungeon raid. We are so close to getting first clear on the dungeon." Mikaela said as she ran upstairs.

"No way, Missy. You stay down here and talk with your granduncle, he is out of time and still needs to adapt to the current world. You will stay down here and help him." Agnes said in a loud voice.

"But Mom, it's important," Mikaela screamed from upstairs. Michael stepped into the conversation between the mother-daughter and said, "It's okay mother, I will stay with uncle."

"That girl. Just because she earns a little money from the game she acts like it's everything in the world. She doesn't even give her family the time of the day. Anyway, I will see you later uncle." Agnes said as she made her way towards the kitchen.

Michael brought Adler to an outside veranda and brought up 2 chairs from god knows where. 'I really need to ask them how to do that.' And so he did.

He asked Michael a lot of things. Michael in turn also asked a lot of things about his time in the dungeon. Adler couldn't feel any mana from him, so it seemed like he wasn't awakened yet. But he was only 16 so he still had quite a while to go.

They talked for about 2 hours before they were called for dinner. They had flatbread and chicken curry for dinner, with some lightly toasted vegetables on the side.

This was without a doubt the best thing Adler had eaten in a really, really long time. He also had multiple cooking skills, but he could never hope to cook anything this tasty. At least not without some training.

Agnes prepared the guest's room for him to sleep in. He took a shower and changed into some of Michael's extra clothes. When he saw the bed, he just slumped on it. After a century, he finally got to lay down on a comfy bed. That night, he slept like a kid, without a worry in the world.