Game Mechanics

-Volume 2: The Undying Myth-

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Obcisor was overwhelmed by his luck. He was standing still in the middle of the room unable to think of anything properly. He thought his Titles were good. But those were nothing when compared to his new skills.

These skills were so good that he wished he had them in real life. Especially the [Bulwark's Healing]. For 5 seconds, you took 0 Damage and instead healed for the raw damage amount? That would be super useful.

Obcisor was thinking about how these skills would help him when he heard something.

"Brother-O!! Brother-O!!" Red was calling him.

"Sorry. What?" Obcisor started and replied.

"You lost in your thoughts Brother-O? Let's Go. New players have started coming in. Time for us to leave." Red said as he walked out the back door.

Obcisor followed him with a blank look. He still wasn't over his shock. As the reality of what happened start to really solidify in his mind, he stopped looking so shocked and instead started smiling.

"You look happy Brother-O." Red said as he looked at Obcisor outside the church.

"Do I?" Obcisor said, "I am happy. I got a really nice Defense focused class."

"Yo Congrats brother. I got a really cool class too." Red said.

"Yeah I saw your Blue scroll, you must have gotten a rare class." Obcisor asked

"I did. But I don't know if I can be happy about it or not." He said.

"What's wrong with your class?" Obcisor asked.

"Well, Nothing is wrong, technically. It's just that, I wanted a mage class so I could use devastating fire skills. I even named myself 'Red Blaze' to match what I wanted. Who knew the game would actually give me a rare Summoner class." Red exasperated a little.

"Hmm. ." Obcisor thought for a bit and said, "You can always learn some fire skills you know. There should be many that you should be able to learn. "

"Beside, you can still stay true to your name if you just summon a fire breathing dragon, right?"

Red's eyes lit up. "Holy Sh*t. How come I didn't think of that. Yo.. Imagine me flying on top of a red dragon. That's a sick image, isn't it Brother-O?." Red immediately checked his status to see if he could summon a dragon right now.

"Damn. I need to have a higher level and level up my summon skill to be able to summon a dragon. Wanna come kill some goblins with me brother? I heard there is a hunting ground outside the North Gate." Red asked

"I actually want to log out now brother Red. I feel too tired and want to leave for the day." Obcisor said.

"If you say so brother. I will go now. Let me know if you ever want to party up with me, I can probably carry you through a lot of the game. I do after all have a rare class. " Red said laughing

"Alright brother, I will be sure to ask for you help if I ever need it. See you later."

After Red went towards the north gate, Obcisor decided to leave the game. But before doing so, he wanted to make sure he wasn't dreaming about what happened today.


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Name: Obcisor

Class: Bulwark's Vengeance

Subclass: None

Title: 'Solo Hunter'

Level: 10 (2/300 Exp)

HP: 3160/3160

Mana: 1220/1220

STR: 132+10

DEF: 160+20

INT: 122

VIT: 143+15

AGI: 121+20

LUK: 55

CRM: 100

CHA: 150

Stamina : 100%

Hunger: 88%

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" All stats over 120 each, 3K HP on a level 10 player already. I can't wait to see how strong I get once I get to higher level." Thinking this, Obcisor logged out.

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Adler slept till noon once again.

Once he woke up, he walked to the empty living room. Agnes had already gone to work and the two siblings seemed to be in their room.

He brought himself some food and started searching for info related to the game online. He couldn't keep playing the game while remaining completely ignorant about it.

First thing he did was look up the rankings for the players.

The list showed that the person at the top of the ranking was someone called 'BigPanda' who was around level 192. Multiple people in the list were over level 180.

He recognized the name 'Lightning Feet' and 'Pietro' amongst the top 20 players. He had seen their announcement in the sky.

He next looked up videos on the popular website 'Holotube'. He found multiple people who uploaded their battles in the game to this site.

There were also people who just made videos regarding the information in the game.

He learned that everyone started in one of 26 different starting villages in the game named with the 26 letters in the English Alphabets.

After one reached level 10, people would usually be teleported randomly to any of the numerous cities in the western continent that had a church for class change.

All the cities were under the Radiant Empire, which governed the whole of the western continent.

At first, there was only the one continent. But, after the recent expansion, there was now a Northern and Southern continents, namely the Frozen Wasteland and the Sand Continent respectively.

There was still so much to discover in the western continent itself. According to the developers, only 5% of all non-repeatable quests had been given out in the western continent as of yet.

He looked up different information regarding how to get gold, items, quests, join guilds, travel to different cities.

He then looked about the thing he was most curious about, his class.

He found out that there were not a single public Unique Class, but it was rumored that multiple people had gotten them but only chose to hide it.

There was also rumors that there existed a higher tier class than the unique class, the Legendary class. Some people had found legendary ranked items and skills, so it lead to the belief that legendary classes existed.

However, he didn't find a single knowledge about the Mythical Class. Let alone the class, no one seemed to have found a single piece of equipment or skill of Mythical rarity.

Disappointed, he decided to look up how to play a defense focused class. His mythical class was a lot different than the normal defense classes as the normal ones only focused on defense, so the player could rarely kill a monster by themselves.

Most the of defense class players needed to party up with other players to level up at a consistent rate.

He couldn't learn much from these info, but he did learn one valuable information.

That was the game mechanics behind the different damages and defenses.

There were 3 types of damage one could deal. Physical, Magical and Absolute.

Absolute Damage (AD) was the damage that could not be blocked or reduced. It was very rare to find skills or items that dealt Absolute Damage.

Magical Damage was damage that was dealt using magic. Majority of the damage skills were Magical in nature. The only way to block magical damage was to use items or skills that gave magic resistance.

Physical Damage was damage dealt by physical weapons or fists. It was the damage that the DEF value reduced. The calculations of the reductions were harder to understand though.

Instead of reducing a constant amount, DEF reduced damage based on the opponents STR value. It blocked the damage depending on their DEF to STR ratio.

Imagine Player A attacked Player B. If A had 100 STR and B had 50 DEF, player B had a 50% Damage reduction. If Player A now dealt 140 Damage to Player B, Player B would only take 70 Damage, out of which 10 Damage would be further reduced due to 10 Absolute Block (AB).

Another thing to note was that a player had a natural defense cap of 75%. Meaning you could reduce a maximum of 75% of the damage you took.

This was regardless if the damage was physical or magical.

Imagine Player A still had 100 STR, but Player B now had 100 DEF. One would assume Player B to block all incoming damage, but instead, He could only block a maximum of 75% of the Damage.

If Player A now attacked for 140 Damage, Player B would only be hit with 35 Damage. Regardless if Player B had 75 DEF or 100 DEF or 200 DEF, he would still get hit with 35 damage.

However, It was better to have as high DEF as possible, as it would increase the AB value.

After putting AB in the equation, the 75 DEF player would get hit with 20 Damage, the 100 DEF would get hit with 15 Damage and the 200 DEF player would get hit with 0 Damage.