Arachnid's Lair

Obcisor was surprised. 'A newbie competition? Does this mean I get to take part?'.

Before he could even ponder upon more questions a panel popped up in front of him.

[You are eligible for the 'Under 50 Newbie Competition'.

On June 19th, Sunday at 12 AM, ASAGE is holding a competition for all players that have yet to get their level 50 class advancement.

If you want to take part in the competition, please be online by 11:55 PM on Saturday night.

The competition will take place over 2 in-game days. Rewards and other pieces of information will be announced on the day of the competition.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you. Good luck]

Obcisor stood still for a moment. Then a smile appeared on his face. 'This is pretty exciting.'.

He closed the panel and walked forward. He needed to level up as soon as possible and reach his maximum potential at level 50.

He checked the map and made his way to the spider hunting ground.

He thought it would be better to level up a bit before going for the dungeon clear.

Similar to 'Blue keep city', there were many people standing outside the city gate shouting.

-Level 50 Assassin here, looking for a party. Will fight spiders.

- Looking for a healer. We are going for the Kobold dungeon.-

-Level 80 Mage, looking for a party to attack Alligator swamp.-

-Level 58 cleric, looking for a party. Won't fight spiders.-

-Looking for a Ranged DPS and Tank. We are going to Lich's tomb.-

There were quite a few people requesting to join other people's party and other's recruiting players to their party.

Obcisor looked around and almost wanted to join one of the parties.

'No, hunting solo is faster. I need to get stronger.' He thought.

While hunting solo he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally revealing his real strength or worry about how to share the loot.

He reached the spider hunting ground.

The hunting ground was a sparse forest with white all over hiding any greenery inside.

'Spiderwebs.' He thought.

There were lots and lots of spiderwebs in this massive forest.

Obcisor started walking through it. There were only a few dozen players visible to him hunting spiders.

'Those people must either not be afraid of spiders, or hate them so much they would rather kill them than ignore them.' He thought.

A relatively short amount of time later, he found a spider.

The spider was huge, about the size of a normal car.

'Were the spiders in those places this big too?' he thought. It had been too long. He couldn't remember exactly how big those spiders he fought in the demon realm were.

The spider had hairy but skinny legs. All of its eight legs were longer than him.

It had eight eyes on its face with the top 4 being smaller than the bottom four.

Each of the bottom eyes was almost as big as his own head.

'Let's see what the skill does.'


[Spiderling: Level 42 3000HP]

'Not bad' he thought.

He started attacking the spider with his Twin Dagger. It was in split form.

Although each hit did half as much damage, he could deal out twice as many hits in double form and have a greater chance of proc-ing the [zap] skill.

The spider tried to bite back but was very slow. So, Obcisor had no problem dodging them.

He didn't attack the spider a lot. He needed to wait about 20 seconds.

After 20 seconds was up, he used [Observe] again.

[Spiderling: Level 42

HP: 1843/3000

MP: 2500/2500





AGI:150 ]

'Oh. It's weaker than I thought it would be.' He was used to seeing a high number associated with the stats next to a 40 level. He was getting spoiled by his own profile.

Without any items or titles, a normal common class offensive warrior player's STR value would be around 150 at best. If he decided to dump all his remaining stat into STR, it would still only be 350 at max.

Obcisor's STR stat was already in the 230 range due to his insane titles, and he had a defensive class.

His common sense when it came to stats was in need of a bit of work.

'Wait, do I even take damage from 300 STR?' he wondered.

He let the spider come and attack him.


'Stupid. Stupid idiot. Why are you letting the spider attack you' he grumbled in a low voice.

The spider's poison was a DOT (Damage over time) type damage. Meaning, instead of damaging you once, it would damage you multiple times in a small amount.

Another message came up 2 seconds after the first one. He got confused.

'Wasn't the poison supposed to last for 20 seconds? How come it lasted only 2 seconds?' he questioned.

He checked his skill list to see why this happened and realized what it was.

'So poison is considered status condition too huh? I guess you do learn something new every day.' Obcisor found it a little funny.

He quickly killed the spiderling and went onward.

He killed multiple spiderlings on his way and used [Observe] on all of them.

He found that, although the spiders were between levels 40 and 45, they actually had the same stat all over.

However, the higher leveled ones gave more exp.

After killing about 12 or so spiderlings, he leveled up.

He kept hunting the hunting grounds for spiders for a long while.

After about 3 hours of continuous hunting, he reached level 45.

By this time, he had got to check a lot of things.

He had already torn both of the skills [Critical Strike] and [shield bash] and learned them.

[Critical Strike] as its name would suggest helped him deal critical damage for about twice the normal amount on each hit.

Even though the chance of getting a crit on his attacks was 10% on paper, He was actually getting more like 25% of the hits as crits.

This was probably due to his LUK stat.

[Shield bash] fascinated him. As soon as you activate it with a target in mind, it would immediately push you onto that target, and deal damage and stun the target.

Every time he used [Shield Bash] on spiderlings, he was doing around 330 magic damage every time and stunning the spiderlings for 2 seconds.

Had he equipped his shield, the damage would be 660. He liked the skill a lot.

While killing a few more spiders on the way, he finally reached the location of the dungeon.

The dungeon entrance was a cave fully covered in spider webs with only a small opening on it.

Obcisor went close to it and looked at the dungeon stats.

[Arachnid's Lair - Level 60

Recommended Level: 55

Recommended players: 8

Maximum Players: 10

Maximum Level Allowed: 60

Fastest Clear time: 2 hours 32 minutes 33 seconds]

'Such a long clear time. I hope it's not like the wolf dungeon with a lot of winding paths and forks in the road.' He thought.

He rested for a bit to get his stamina back to full and ate a seasoned bread he bought in the Blue Keep City.

After he was ready, he walked into the dungeon.