Guard duty

 Although that only happened a few times, Zaos's actions caught the attention of Elius. It wasn't that surprising, even though Zaos never let him see the plants he gathered. Regardless, the objective of that whole trip was to test all the newcomers' physical strength and willpower, so as long as Zaos isn't caught by the second group, Elius couldn't complain.

 That being said, the other noble kids grew wary of Zaos. His actions were too weird, and he was standing out from Elius's perspective, and that wasn't a good thing. Adding all that to the fact that he belonged to a family that directly served the king, at the end of the day, not a single person aside from Drannor tried to talk with him.

 Regardless, Zaos thought some kids would fall on the first day, but his predictions were way off the mark. While that was the first time these kids have been using armor and carrying a real weapon, they had to work before, and thus, they had some stamina.