New Mission

                                          Although Zaos probably had the advantage in strength and speed when he uses magic, he was still fully aware of his fighting style. That being said, his squad mates had their mouths hanging open when they turned around. From their perspective, it was amazing that a ten years old boy could fight and even cause so much trouble to a man who had more than twenty years of fighting experience.

"How did you prolong the duration of your spell?" Elius asked.

"Ah, that? I just reactivated the spell before it could end," Zaos replied.

"You just reactivated… don't you have to draw the symbols in your head?" Elius frowned.

"I did. While it is a bit complicated to do that in a fight, I can do it if I can see my target in a completely defensive stance," Zaos replied. "Now, I am training to do the same in the reverse position. That is a lot more complicated, though."