
 It wasn't like Zaos didn't expect to find some people who worked with his father, but it was a pain that he had to deal with the impression he left on them.

"Aren't you going to get mad after hearing all that?" Verkan asked.

"No, sir," Zaos replied. "I am pretty sure my father deserves the fame that he has."

"Although you told the enemy who you are, it seems you are not as hot blooded as your father…" Verkan said. "Anyway, let's move your horses to a place they can rest. You guys do that. Follow me."

 After giving the order for his men to do that, Verkan told Zaos and his squad to enter his post. As expected, it was a pretty ordinary place. Aside from weapons, armor, and some tools soldiers use, there are only some chairs and tables around. Verkan told them to sit since he was fully aware of how troublesome it was to move from the northern base to such a town while riding a horse.