Magic Perception

"You are a strange kid," Verkan said. "Most people like you wouldn't be a pain in the ass since they have been trained and disciplined by their fathers, but even compared to others, you are pretty… relaxed? I guess that is the word, most highborn kids even despite their training and discipline wouldn't come this far in a such small group, much less offer themselves as a bait."

"I can think of another strange kid who would accept this type of work…" Zaos said.

 Using his magic, Zaos easily created a fire to cook the rabbits. While their breakfast was getting ready, Verkan made sure to keep the smoke of the fire as thin as possible. Although the snow didn't let up at night, just like the cold, at least the weather helped them mask their traces.

 Although that was the other way around, Verkan and Zaos made sure to stay on guard duty at different times of the day. They would move as soon as the night comes, so they needed all the rest they could get.