
"Sir… why are we the only ones moving in the direction where the enemies are?" Zaos asked as he and Verkan dashed through a grove while riding their horses.

"You will bite your tongue if you talk while riding," Verkan said. "Although your squad has the battle experience, and I can tell that you endured one hellish of training given by Elius, I don't think the ten of you would be that useful in delaying the enemy. They will be more useful while they pass the message to the other villages and towns and in the evacuation. Don't worry, though. They will have their chance to fight. A massive battle between all of the forces and the enemies is inevitable at this point."

"Is that so… that explains why they are doing what they are doing," Zaos said. "That doesn't explain why I am here. Let's not mince words here. I am aware that I can be a bit more useful than them, but it is not like I can do more than half of my squad alone."