Stiff rules

 As much as Zaos wanted to take it easy, he couldn't. He was almost thirteen, and at that age, he couldn't stay still for too long. So, after unpacking his things, he only managed to relax in his room for a single day. The next morning, he showed up at the training camp of his home, and he found his father there. Despite everything, Laiex knew his son very well.

"You can't relax after staying on guard for several months," Laiex said. "I will help you relieve the tension with some training, you don't want to worry your mother more than you already did."

"Why did she have a fever yesterday?" Zaos asked.

"Like she said, we waited for you for several hours…" Laiex said and then closed his eyes when he saw Zaos's expression. "… and because her health hasn't been that good lately."

"Can't she be healed by magic?" Zaos asked. "Did she see any doctors lately?"