
"I am sorry, Your Majesty," Zaos said.

"You are sorry, I guess that is good," Dalyor nodded. "Why are you sorry again?"

"I have no idea, Your Majesty," Zaos said. "Well, I did something wrong, I will accept any punishment, I am not familiar with the laws of the kingdom yet, but I suppose that is not an excuse."

"… It is not like you committed a crime and that you are going to be punished, Zaos," Dalyor said after a long sigh. "Still, who could have thought, but it seems you have some talent for diplomacy. Regardless, I am disappointed with you, Zaos. For one very simple reason: you completely ignored my daughter for the past three years."

"I did?" Zaos frowned. "How so?"

"You didn't write her any letters," Dalyor said. "Drannor wrote her a letter every week and I heard that wrote letters to your mother every single day."