Bad mood

 After taking a quick read on the books and without trying any of them, Zaos learned that the spells taught to them only worked to alleviate certain effects caused by diseases. Fevers, shivers, stomach pains… They only worked to make those go away for a few hours. None of them actually worked to cure diseases or weak bodies.

"Mmm… Why do the mages here don't try to actually solve the problem?" Zaos frowned.

 Zaos had to research for quite a while before he could understand why he didn't find spells that could cure diseases. It was because most of the time, the doctors and the healers didn't know what the cause of the disease was. Finding out the cause with magic is impossible currently. Still, even if there were a spell like that, it wouldn't work since his mother wasn't actually sick.

"Still, learning how to deal with fevers will work," Zaos said. "I just need to find a way to increase someone's stamina."