
 In the end, Zaos didn't feel that presence again during the day. Although Zaos treated the kids around him like blockheads, they weren't insane enough to try anything that might put Ameria in danger. Dalyor seemed like a good king, but he probably would execute anyone and their entire family if something were to ever happen to his daughter. 

 Despite the fact that they only brought food for breakfast, the kids managed to keep going even without lunch until around the middle of the afternoon. Around that time, they decided to return. Otherwise, they might cross the capital gates after sunset.

"I guess I underestimated their better judgement," Zaos thought.

 Once everyone entered the carriage, Zaos and the others who still had some energy left began to drive. As for the others inside the carriages, they began to sleep using each other's shoulders to offer some support to their heads.