
 Zaos wondered for how long he wouldn't have to work like that, but in the end, it made sense that he would have to complete that kind of sporadic mission. After all, he was supposed to follow in his father's footsteps, but he won't have to be that effective while his father is active and at his peak.

 Although Zaos still didn't want to waste his time on that kind of job, he was in dire need of money. For that reason, he didn't blatantly refuse his father's job offer. The next day, he was supposed to meet the bookseller. So, he decided to spend the day organizing his things, and once he did that, he went to talk with Ameria and Drannor.

"I am going on a trip for a few days, so I won't be able to teach you," Zaos said. "Usually, I would recommend for you not to train while I am away, but since that is impossible, you should be really careful."

"Where are you going?" Ameria asked.