
 The following day, Zaos woke up early to do some training, but then he realized that he had to wait for Drannor and Ameria. However, entering the mansion now would be difficult without authorization, so he decided to wait for them near the entrance. Fortunately, the guards decided to let him wait in the garden for some odd reason, even with his sword.

 Around eight, Drannor, Ameria, and Noemi showed up. It seems that they had an early breakfast, and now they were ready to kill some time together, and by that, Ameria wanted to show off her skills.

"We are going to hunt some boars in the area," Ameria declared. "Where is everyone?"

"The captain said that they would stay behind to rest," Zaos said. "He believes that the next few days will be busy, so he is preparing himself for it."