
                            Zaos approached the people who were sleeping and checked their breathing, they were only sleeping, but even that was suspicious. He looked for Ameria and Drannor, and then he saw them moving weirdly as they looked around for something to use as support.

                            After dashing toward them, Zaos noticed that pretty much everyone was having a hard time fighting a sudden wave of dizziness and sleep. In the end, Ameria and Drannor fell to the ground, but before both of them could hit their heads, Zaos caught them. It wasn't much, but he could smell some wine coming from their mouth.

"These guys relax too easily…" Zaos said and then used Cleanse. "Are you two all right?"

  "Man, I suddenly got so sleepy," Drannor said after he blinked several times.

"We were poisoned or something?" Ameria suddenly got up after the effects were canceled by Zaos magic.