[Bonus chapter]Worries

                                      In order to avoid problems, Zaos and Erean were walking in the total darkness of the night. They could only see the torches that were illuminating the carriages back several hundred meters ahead. They were so far away because they will have a better chance of finding the enemies while they stay in the darkness. Still, they could be so quiet while Erean was moving in his full armor.

"Did you notice anything weird with the assassins?" Erean suddenly asked. "I know many types of armies and mercenary groups that are well-known in the other countries, but I never heard of a group of assassins that uses swords like that. Besides, I never heard of an assassin group so big."

"Well, from my perspective, our kingdom has been looking too much to the North, where the followers of the demon god can be found," Zaos said. "So, it doesn't surprise me that a group like that was able to remain hidden for so long. Besides…"