
"Really… I heard of them," Ferdinand said, surprised. "I could swear that Orleand only invited the princess. I see, so they came as guards as well."

"I also heard about them, but I didn't think the rumors were true," Crow said. "I assumed the current heads of the families' manipulated information to make their kids look more than they actually are."

"I heard about their accomplishments in the North. What have you heard about them? Ferdinand asked.

"One of them is a talented spearman like no other, apparently, he is also close friends with the princess," Crow said. "As for the other, the rumors about him died down since he left the North. I assumed that was just the limit one's family could do by manipulating Intel, but it seems he truly is as wild as the rumors tell. A wild swordsman that can use magic while wielding a sword..."

"Are your men pursuing them?" Ferdinand asked.

"They should catch up to them before sunset," Crow replied.