It is time

          Noemi tried to rase the morale of the people to fight for their lives. Still, she could only do so much in the end since she had no experience in trying to boost the morale of an army that wasn't even an army. The people looked at each other, but they only felt some slight discomfort.

"Ugh… this is so annoying! Have you no shame? Can't you see that our very lives are on the line here?" Noemi said. "You didn't see these people fighting for us, but they don't have any obligation of doing that. I can't see any more other people bleeding for me because that is just too embarrassing."

"Noemi…" Ameria said and then put her hands on her shoulders. "You need to calm down… say what you have in mind first. They are thinking that you want to put words on their hands and make them fight experienced soldiers."