[Bonus chapter]Trap?

                    It was a risky plan, but Erean wasn't planning on taking too many people with him. Some people raised the possibility that some assassins might be lurking around, but Erean didn't think that was actually possible. If that were the case, they would have faced some during the battle. Not to mention, Erean was one hundred percent sure that the dark-cloaked man, who Zaos defeated, was the assassins' leader. Ferdinand probably won't pay the others without him to follow, so they won't have any reason to fight.

                    As it turned out, Erean's prediction was spot on. There were no assassins anywhere near the mountain, the mansions of the merchant families, or even on the whole island. Not to mention, they didn't find any signs of Ferdinand or his men.

"Now this is weird…" Drannor said. "Do you think this is a crazy trap, Captain?"