Last minute training

                                                    While looking for Ferdinand's fleet, the group couldn't quite move blindly without risking falling for a trap. So, the smuggler captain used his special routes at night to avoid detection. The only problem was that his routes were longer than usual, so the fleet wasn't moving as fast as before. Not to mention, they finally reached a part of the country where the islands were so small that few people lived in those, so Orleand influence is close to none. Not to mention, they couldn't offer soldiers and ships to help. Five days had passed since they began the pursuit, and Zaos was starting to get pissed again. Not to mention, his research still didn't give him any insight into the spell that he wanted.

"Hey, Zaos," Drannor suddenly appeared and then said. "We are having a meeting now."

"I will hear the resume of it later," Zaos said.

"Captain Erean is calling for you," Drannor said.