The end of a journey

                                      It was weird, but Zaos really ended up considering the smuggler captain and Orleand as his friends. He wasn't supposed to like the first since he was a soldier and had the nature of one. As for the other, he didn't think much of him on their first meeting.

"Thank you for these beauties, lad," The smuggler captain said while pointing toward the six ships that he somehow didn't lose in the last battle." I owe you big time. If you need any help, just use his code… in…"

                                      After whispering some nonsensical words on Zaos's ears, the smuggler captain laughed. Zaos did the same and then offered a handshake. Even though he was a criminal, he wasn't a bad person per se.

"I wish you two a safe journey back home as well," Zaos said to Orleand and Noemi. "I hope we can meet again in a calmer situation."