[Bonus chapter]Learning from mistakes

"Good morning, Jeline," Zaos said after he suddenly appeared in the living room and saw Nyana's mother. "What do we have for breakfast?"

"Young master! Well, what do you wishes to eat, I will prepare immediately," Jeline said, visibly surprised.

"I will have the same father had. It should be faster to prepare it anyway," Zaos said. "I will be in the dining room in ten minutes."

                                      Jeline imagined that Zaos wouldn't eat much for a few days, but he was starving since he had just finished his morning training. That day would belong, so he might as well eat more than usual. So, after a bath and changing his clothes, Zaos ate several pieces of bread filled with cheese and cow's milk. His father sure liked simple things, even food. That being said, even though it was simple, it was pretty good after sweating that much.