In ten years

                                      While Zaos was thinking about what he should do regarding his lack of motivation, his father decided to spar with him in the morning. Zaos wasn't feeling like sparring with anyone, but he needed to at least try since his father woke up earlier than usual to train with him. However, this time, he didn't bring any training swords.

"Let's fight seriously for a change," Laiex said. "It is time for some real training."

"Great…" Zaos said and then sighed.

                                      As if he didn't have enough things in his head bothering him, Zaos had to worry about getting hurt in a training session or wounding his father. He knew that his father still was at the peak of his strength, but that didn't mean that he was invincible.

"I will hold back a little, so you don't have to worry," Laiex said.

"Five-year-old kids know how to taunt better than you," Zaos said and then assumed his Ox guard.