Just a guy

"So, the demon god gave you guys power, but at the same time, he also found a way to give you a demerit for that power as well…" Zaos said. "That is weird, why would he give such a demerit? Things would be easy for you if the others didn't hate you so much. Also, why don't I feel anything toward you people?"

"How should I know, maybe you are different from the others in some way, but all humans are supposed to hate us," Derenus said. "As I said, the demerit was to keep us sharp, and ready for battle. But it was also because the demon god was truly hated by the humans, apparently, the more he was hated the stronger he got. So, since we inherited a portion of his power, we have to deal with that." 

"Really?" Zaos frowned. "Still, that doesn't explain why you people suddenly got more powerful and why the others are hating you more."