
"Friends of yours?" Zaos asked.

"You can say that," Derenus replied while he was sitting on the right side of the entrance to his house. "Remember when I told that I lost all my friends, these guys are their children and grandchildren."

"I see… so they discovered about me, do you guys want to fight?" Zaos asked. "I don't want to, but I won't let you guys hurt me, I need to recover as fast as possible and get the hell out of here."

"You think we will let you?" A certain man in his twenties that had long, light-brown hair said, and Zaos recognized that voice. "You attacked many villages and captured several of our people."

"I could say the same about you," Zaos said. "Not to mention, you almost buried me alive, so I would say that we are even."

"Don't joke around! You have been persecuting us for thousands of years, because of you we have been living in this place that doesn't grow anything!" The man shouted.