Just once

                                                    After thinking for a while, Zaos recalled one thing that he always wanted. That would be worth the hassle of helping them.

"I want two things," Zaos said. "First of all, you will focus only on slowing down the advance of the army, there won't be any fighting. I also I want a book that will teach me the ancient language."

"What? Why would you want something like that?" Fyran asked, thoroughly enraged. "There is no way we would give you something as valuable as that."

"Ah, so you indeed have a book that can teach me that," Zaos said. "Well, unless both of my demands are met, I am not going to help."

"Why do you want a book like that, Zaos?" Derenus asked.

"For research purposes," Zaos replied.

"Can you be more specific?" Derenus asked. 

"I can, but what would be the point?" Zaos asked. "They won't cooperate, after all."

"Depending on your answer, I might help," Derenus said.