Cold Whisper

Although the first attack resulted in failure, Arlen quickly organized the group to climb the path again. However, his sole goal was to make the enemies use more of their logs. As if they had been waiting for that, the followers of the demon god only fire Earth Arrows toward the soldiers. Although the soldiers were well trained to endure that kind of situation, every time their shields got hit, one of their arms cracked. In just a couple of minutes, Arlen was forced to retreat again because one hundred of his men had broken arms. Before he could prepare another attack, Vitalar summoned him.

"I heard that you are having a hard time, vice Commander Arlen," Vitalar said as if he didn't watch everything. "What is going on?"

"I am not someone to make up excuses, I admit that these failures are entirely on me," Arlen said.

"Very well," Vitalar said. "However, I want to hear what happened that you didn't expect."