
                                                    Zaos frowned when he heard that. His heart wavered since if that was true… he couldn't waste his time in a place like that. Ameria saved Zaos's life a few times, and he owed her at least that much. Still, the assassin worked for her father, so there is a chance that she is lying.

"… If you are lying about something like that, I will change my goals, and I will hunt you down and spend many of my days making you regret telling me this," Zaos said.

"What would be the point of lying?" The assassin asked. "Most of our best knights are away from the capital, half of them prepared an ambush here, and the other half are in the South. Your father is leading them. Right now, there isn't a force in the capital that can stop you."

"What about Drannor?" Zaos asked.