Talent (2)

"Wait… is her health and stamina larger than the last time I checked?" Zaos frowned after he used Appraisal on Milliendra.

                                  Zaos thought that perhaps it was time for Milliendra to have some training so she would not be an easy target. Still, he had planned to discuss that with Aleni before anything. However, it seemed that she had done something without talking with him. After hearing the question, Aleni stayed quiet for a while, but then she shrugged. Her acting skills needed some work… he couldn't understand why she kept that hidden.

"I am not criticizing you… at least not entirely," Zaos said. "But you should have talked with me about that. Millie is too young to learn anything related to direct combat. She should learn first the abilities that will grant her the power to avoid fights."