Night Attack

"What a cute child… Is she your daughter?" Kat asked as she approached and then smiled toward Milliendra.

          Once again, Milliendra hides her face on Zaos' chest. Although that was a bit rude, to hide without saying anything, it only made Kat smile even more.

"Aww… so cute," Kat said. "She doesn't look much like you, though."

"She looks like my fallen mother," Zaos said. "Anyway, are you Kat, the leader of the shadow cats?"

              Although her minions were making a lot of noise, they stopped immediately when they heard that. Usually, those who asked that were people from other towns who looked down on her. Although the air changed in a weird way, Zaos couldn't care less about it.

"Yeah, I am," Kat replied after she crossed her arms. "Why do you ask?"

"I have some information for you, but I would like to talk in a place where we will have some privacy," Zaos said.