Wait and see

              Two weeks passed without Drannor and Noemi making any progress with their interactions with Milliendra. Drannor was getting impatient because even though the king and the queen recovered from their previous condition, they still could only rule the capital of the Sairus kingdom. The whole Ashiris kingdom was on Drannor's hands, and while he made preparations for his absence, he couldn't stay six months away from that place. He wished that he could bring Milliendra with him after they improved their relationship and then reveal the whole truth one day. Still, she didn't give anyone a single opening for them to get close. She was guarded with most people, just like Zaos was and that frustrated Drannor to no end… while that could help given that one day she would rule the two biggest countries in the world, it wasn't the way he had planned to raise his daughter.

"You are always wearing those gloves, right?" Drannor asked. "Why do you like them so much?"